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World class commissioning


Commissioning is the process by which NHS Rotherham secures best value and delivers improvements in health and care services, to meet the needs of Rotherham.

World class commissioning (WCC) is transforming the way these services are commissioned, leading to improved health outcomes and reduction in health inequalities.

World class commissioning will play a key role in delivering a world leading NHS, equipped to tackle the challenges of the 21st century.

People are living longer, their lifestyles and health aspirations are changing, and the nature of public health and disease is evolving.

By developing a more strategic, long-term and community focused approach to commissioning services, where commissioners and health and care professionals work together to deliver improved local health outcomes, world class commissioning will enable the NHS to meet the changing needs of the population and deliver a service which is clinically-driven, patient-centred and responsive to local needs.

In order for NHS Rotherham to support a vision of world class commissioning, we need to achieve 11 organisational abilities (competencies).

Locally lead the NHS

As visible leaders of the NHS in our area, NHS Rotherham will represent the local NHS to champion healthcare needs.

Work with community partners

NHS Rotherham aims to work closely with local partner organisations to provide innovative solutions for the whole area.

Work with the public and patients

In order to ensure we work with a clear understanding of the needs of Rotherham we will develop lasting and inclusive relationships.

Work with clinicians

Involving clinicians in the commissioning and design of strategies and services through professional executive committees focuses attention on clinical needs.

Manage knowledge and assess need

The decisions we make will be based on sound evidence and a knowledge of the big picture of the areas needs enabling us to address and anticipate the requirements of the people of Rotherham.

Prioritise investment

With a working knowledge of the needs of the area we will better see outcomes and have a clear strategic vision of the future deliverance of better health & better lives.

Influence the market

To deliver 'better health, better lives' to the people of Rotherham we need to shape the services we commission into services of choice, improvement and innovation.

Promote improvement and innovation

Innovation and improvement in services driven by our local knowledge and future vision will ensure we always commission services that meet Rotherham's needs.

Secure procurement skills

Procurement processes will need to set out a precedence for robust control over our commissioned services in order to deliver good value.

Manage the local health system

Relationships with system providers will be effectively managed to ensure a continuous improvement in the delivery of quality within services.

Make sound financial investments

NHS Rotherham will make sound financial decisions to ensure services are sustainable for improved healthcare outcomes for both now and in the future.

Last reviewed: 02/02/2011

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